Black On White | Teen Ink

Black On White

December 20, 2013
By Mr.Writersblock BRONZE, Georgetown, Delaware
Mr.Writersblock BRONZE, Georgetown, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward." Victor Kiam

Black on white.

Perfectly spaced letters
Landing in perfect lines.
There’s nothing more simple
Than words on a page.

But there’s nothing more complex
Than the story they tell.
Between the black and white
Are thoughts and intentions
That no one was told about.

Within the spaces are emotions
the author never cared to share
With anyone except
a white sheet of paper.
Between the lines
Lie the secrets of the writer.

To anyone,
This poem
Is just words on a page.

To some,
A small few,
This is an explosion
of feeling
And thought
And deeper meaning.
To this group
Of artists
And dreamers,
It’s like paint on a canvas.
They can find the color

Between the
black and white.

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