Solar System | Teen Ink

Solar System

December 17, 2013
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.

There's a girl I know, who is a good friend of mine,
Who if you look at her when she's with her friends,
She shines the brightest out of all of them.
Always smiling and always looking happy.
But on some days you can see a change,
She might not seem like herself, as if the part that's gone
Is replaced with pure darkness and sadness.
When I look at her, I see it all.
All the pain, all the sorrow, and the mask
She wears to hide it all from those who care.
I see the walls she's built around her,
Too thick to break through, too deep to dig under,
And too tall to fly over it for it's a sphere
Of diamonds surrounding her.
She hides until night comes for fear of
Being bombarded with words that leave permanent
Scars on her, which she tries to hide by constantly
Moving around, never staying in one place.
She hides behind her walls, afraid of opening up.
And I see these things and I tell her I can help,
For I stand outside those walls, but I don't try to break them.
I just wait for her to let me in.
I watch from a distance and watch her circle around,
Not knowing where to go exactly.
Her best friend also watches but not as far as me.
Every so often I get word from her friend on how she's doing.
But as I watch them, I see a dark side to her friend too.
I see tears cover her like oceans and scars of pain
And sorrow shown on her skin like mountains and canyons.
Some of them old and deep, some new and jagged.
And as I see these things in them, I feel more sorrow.
For a lot of those things I see in me.
I was told, one day, that if I don't release what I hold inside
I might not know what damage it will cause or to whom.
For inside me is a constant fire of anger fueled by pain that explodes
Inside and I hide it with a smile and laughter and constantly
Try to slip away, but I can't because I'm in the middle of it all.
It's like a solar system. I'm the sun, watching at a
Distance but trying to brighten everyone's day, and my friend
Is the moon, hiding behind a crust covered in craters, and her friend
Is the Earth, trying so hard to keep the moon with her
But never getting to close as not to destroy them. And looking
At it this way, it's still unfair because I want to be there
But when I do try it only pushes her farther away
And though she says she's okay I can still see the pain.

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