Confusion | Teen Ink


December 17, 2013
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.

Confusion on why she stares at me for so long.
Confusion by the way she talks so sweetly.
Confusion on why her hugs get longer each time.
Confusion on not wanting to let go of her.
Confusion on the thoughts I'm having of her.
Confusion of feeling safer, even happier, with her.
Confusion of her laughter to my terrible jokes and stories.
Confusion of her smile every time she sees me.
Confusion on why I smile back.
Confusion on how close we were getting in the short time.
Confusion on why my arm is over her shoulder.
Confusion on why she leans so close to me
And why she lays her head against mine.
Confusion on why I grab her hands, that she says are cold.
Confusion on why I still hold on when it's really warm.
Confusion on why she continues to lean on me
When no longer cold, under the vent.
Confusion on why my heart aches when I think of it all.
Confusion on what I feel for her, for I don't know.
Confusion on what I see.
Confusion on what she sees.
Confusion on why she might like me.

The author's comments:
All events in this peom happened in the coarse of five hours.

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