A New Morning? | Teen Ink

A New Morning?

December 16, 2013
By CheshireGato BRONZE, Bridgewater, South Dakota
CheshireGato BRONZE, Bridgewater, South Dakota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's okay to not be okay, my dear. This is not Wonderland.

I don’t quite know what I’m doing here,
As I slowly open my eyes,
History is repeating itself,
What a big surprise.
I yawn and sit up and stretch a bit,
My morning breath fills up my lungs,
My thoughts are all gibberish,
As they run through my head,
But I guess that’s because we’ve been speaking in tongues.
A strange deja-vu hits me as I pick up my phone,
I swear this has happened before,
And I open my texts and read them all through,
And I wonder why I even care anymore.
I put my phone down and I stare at my blade,
Laying untouched on the floor by my bed,
As I wander through my forest of thoughts,
Trying to figure out where my stupid joke has led.
Now I’m dressed and ready to face another day,
Though I’m still not quite sure what to do,
But I need you to know that no matter what happens,
I will never regret you.

The author's comments:
I almost lost everything I love. Then this happened.

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