You're Always Close | Teen Ink

You're Always Close

December 6, 2013
By ChyanneRanaye GOLD, Hohenwald, Tennessee
ChyanneRanaye GOLD, Hohenwald, Tennessee
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes I wish you could just read my mind, to find out whats really on my heart, because my words could never tell you.

You would sit there with me,
And listen to me rant pointlessly,
You were always there for me

You were the strength I couldn't provide on my own,
The person I would lean on the most

We may have disagreed
But you never gave up on me

I miss the stories you would tell,
About the way things used to be,
The way you would smile,
For everyone to see

Your always close,
In my arms or in my thoughts

But no matter what,
You will always be in my heart

The author's comments:
Dedicated to the most amazing woman I know, My Grandmother.

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