the grey hawk of the skies | Teen Ink

the grey hawk of the skies

December 5, 2013
By qualiej BRONZE, Bridgeton Nj, New Jersey
qualiej BRONZE, Bridgeton Nj, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The grey hawk of the skies.

The birds began to sing. as a distant hawk is soaring through the clouds on wings of silver. The gibbous grey hawk flies daily from his homestead to nest in the shadows of a newly spied sun. The hawk flies and his keen eyes spot a rabbit. As the hawk flies up and up towards the sun he drops like a raindrop. Headed straight for the bunny his yellow strong rough talons spread as he spread his wings wide. He snatches the rabbit with a death grip. Squeezing life out of the rabbit its self.
As the rabbit yelps in pain the hawk looks around and stabs the rabbit in the heart like it was nothing but killing. A small tear drops descends from the rabbits eyes. As the hawks start to feast on the rabbit quickly plucking at it fur. Then the great hawk puts rabbit head in his crope after ripping it of his body like a horror movie. seconds later , the hawk flys fast to the canopy to finish its dinner.

The author's comments:
i wrote this peice in mr evans class i love to write about animals.

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