a spell | Teen Ink

a spell

November 24, 2013
By coroner SILVER, Middleburg, Florida
coroner SILVER, Middleburg, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A spell
A spell
I dare to cast
A spell of despair
A spell of pain
A spell of death
To cast the spell I need some things
I need a heart
Fresh and beating
I need the teeth from my enemy
Fresh and bleeding
I need three strands of hair as well
Freshly plucked from her evil head
I need fresh early morning dew
From dead grass
I need fresh death sap
Extracted from the tree of death
I need three crow feathers
Right from its back
Near the neck
For these are the darkest
I need a vine of poison ivy
Fresh and growing
I need plagued water straight from the sea of black
Fresh and flowing
I need a pixy wing
Gargoyle finger
Snake venom
With these ingredients I shall mix
First shall come the plagued water
Second shall come the dew
Third shall be the heart still beating
Forth shall be the vine of poison
Fifth shall be the pixy wing
Gargoyle finger
Snake venom
Next shall be the three crow feathers
Then shall come the sap of death
Finally shall come the hair plucked fresh
The teeth still bleeding
The spell will commence
With the cauldron in the middle of the circle
The marking for death pointing north
The marking for despair pointing south
The marking for hatred pointing east
The marking for pain pointing west
I shall stand in the center
Right next to the cauldron
A red candle in my hand
I speak the words of my spell
Hatred and anger have led me here
Pushed me to light this candle
This candle of her life
I have put in this cauldron many things
The water of plague
To sicken her
To put her through pain
The early morning dew
There for she shall not make it to morning
The heart still beating
Slowly dying just like her
The three crow feathers
To bring her into darkness
So much darkness that no light will prevail
The vine of poison ivy
To cause a rash
Pixy wings
Gargoyle fingers
To call upon the magic
Snake venom
To poison her
The sap of death
To bring her to the grave
Now the candle light shall go out
Tossed into her future
Death, pain, and agony to her
Oh dear magic here my chant
Grant my wish
The light went out
The heart stopped beating
Signaling it had begun

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This article has 1 comment.

coroner SILVER said...
on Dec. 3 2013 at 6:54 am
coroner SILVER, Middleburg, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is the first poem i posted online can i get some feed back. Tell me what you think.