I'm on a swing | Teen Ink

I'm on a swing

November 25, 2013
By RamoneRowe BRONZE, Bronx, New York
RamoneRowe BRONZE, Bronx, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a menu, whatever and whoever you order is going to be delivered to your table.

I'm on a swing
Held by two chains
With a plastic seat
Moving forward
Then back
Forward then back
It's like life sometimes
Getting forward means taking two steps back
Steps that suck in time
And selfless acts
Then requires strength
And willingness
But however this pace is too slow
And a slow pace ain't no fun
So let me try to swing faster
Faster in a way that I can be seen
As a motivator and competitor to the guy next to me
Who will then try to go fast as well
So I'll go faster
And he'll swing faster
Now it's a competition of who can swing the fastest
Who will stay at the front and not at the back
Who will go up the furthest
And recoups the fastest after the swing goes back

All I know is that I'm not going to be at the back
And he ain't gonna go up further than me

Oh wait!
He's slowing down
He's giving up?
But why?
Is he tired already?
Is he accepting defeat?
Should I slow down as well?
Should I keep going?
Well, whatever it is
I'm calling it a win

Now I think it's time for me to move
From between these chains
And up off this plastic seat
And let the little girl with the blue eyes
And long hair gets her turn
Yeah, that swing was fun
But should I wait patiently for another turn?
I'm going to take my win and call it a day
After all a win is a win
Call me crazy but
I think I've just been inspired by just sitting on a swing

The author's comments:
Random day at the park and decided to go on a swing

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