Twilight Princess / A Hero's Journey | Teen Ink

Twilight Princess / A Hero's Journey

November 21, 2013
By Colin Croft BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
Colin Croft BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trapped at the top of a tower,
I wait for him.
They don’t think he has a chance,
but I have faith.

Waiting is all I can do, yet
I know in my heart

He will rescue me, and I will be protected.
I await the day he shall come to me
so I may be rightfully crowned
Princess of Hyrule.

Chosen by the Great Deku Tree,
I shall fulfill my destiny.
Dressed in green with
Navi leading the way,

Sword and shield in hand,
I set off.

I have to rescue her, for I am her protector.
I must release her from the
Dark Wizard, Ganondorf.
For she is my one true love.

The author's comments:
I wrote these two pieces as companion poems in a nostalgiac effort to honor those who have played and love the Legend of Zelda video games.

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