My home is Gone | Teen Ink

My home is Gone

November 17, 2013
By princessrachel GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
princessrachel GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
17 articles 2 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
You have to be willing to sacrifice who you are for what you can become.

I seemed to be the only one,
a life changing event,
tearing their hearts apart,
I stood stone cold and not a single tear dropped.
Now I sit here all by myself,
no distractions from the world,
all I have is my thoughts, a pen, and this piece of paper,
It all occurs to me now,
That place I called home was never hard to leave before,
In my mind I knew to well,
Anytime I wanted it was there and I could go back,
Betrayed and ridiculed for it's change,
I rarely payed a visit.
They say you should never regret something that once made you happy.
Those words are true, but this will remain my biggest regret.
For, all the times I stayed away only brought me pain.
I can't believe this is really it,
that everything from there is vanished,
it's similar to a house fire, everything just all burned to the ground.
Every single precious memory, both bad and good.
Like the sands of time, each moment leaves and can't return,
My home is gone.

The author's comments:
I wrote this during the pain I felt after my dad sold my childhood house, although I had rarely went there anymore after my parents split up.

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