Satisfaction | Teen Ink


November 7, 2013
By DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We&#039;re all mad here. I&#039;m mad. You&#039;re mad.&quot;<br /> -Cheshire Cat

The inevitability of her death was both graceless and hopeful

She knew her death would be catastrophic to the people who cared for her

All she could hope for was that she would see the chaos happen right before her very own eyes

The craziness, the magically tragic story of her life that made people desperate for answers, made her feel what was twistedly needed


Frozen with the steel blade pressed up against her throat gave her a whole new state of mind....

A new perspective...

She knew that dragging that beautiful blade across her delicate skin would give her satisfaction

She wanted this

She didn't need to do this it happened to satisfy her every desire

And as she did the very thing she desperately desired she realized she would never regret the decision she made that everlasting night

And as she did this she saw the chaos unravel

She was forever in...


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