Absence Of The Eye | Teen Ink

Absence Of The Eye

November 4, 2013
By magen duncan BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
magen duncan BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wind blows like a sad siren running in and out each ear.
I can feel your fingers running down my hand.
Your touch is cold.
I feel you breathing on the back of my neck,
Sending warmth through my body,
At the same time giving me chill’s.
It feels like a spark of electricity,
Passing through every inch of my body.
I can hear you.
I can hear your laughter
Echoing in my ear.
Yet my eyes are sad, because I can no longer see your smile.
The same smile that use to mesmerize me.
I’m waiting.
Waiting till the day I can see your face.
The day I see the same big beautiful eyes that made me fall so deeply in a trance.
And on that day, that very day we meet again will be the day our hearts will beat.
Our hearts will beat, but they will beat as one.

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