The Way You Look at Her | Teen Ink

The Way You Look at Her

October 24, 2013
By writergirl1111 GOLD, Matthews, North Carolina
writergirl1111 GOLD, Matthews, North Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 71 comments

I've given you all I have,
and I've gotten nothing in return.
Loving you ruins my heart
but it still beats as it burns.

I wonder why I allow myself
to wallow in such pain;
I must let you go and love another
for there is nothing for me to gain.

All this hurt I hide inside
makes me start to slip away,
but so easily I tumble back
with such simplicity as "hey."

Just being in your presence
starts my feelings to renew,
and once again you've got me
falling wildly back to you.

And then you make it easy
to throw myself into your arms;
I'm mesmerized and captured
by your cunning, gorgeous charm.

But my hopes come crashing down,
When I see the way you stare
at the girl you tell me is the one,
Oh! The pain is impossible to bear.

With nobody am I allowed to share
whom I whole-heartedly adore,
'cause then you'd be pressured to love me too,
and for you that would be a chore.

I wish the way you look at her
was the way you looked at me,
and now I'm left to love you
in lonely secrecy.

The author's comments:
It is so so so hard to see the person you love fall for someone else.

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