I Want Go Back To When I Was Five | Teen Ink

I Want Go Back To When I Was Five

October 18, 2013
By Jupiter91013 SILVER, Independence, Missouri
Jupiter91013 SILVER, Independence, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
People laugh at me because I'm different,
I laugh at them because they're all the same.

I want to go back to when I was five.

When I didn't know where babies came from,
I didn't know drugs existed.

I didn't know people were mean,
And everyday was a new discovery.

Back to the days when barbies were cool,
And you had to be forced to come INSIDE.

When you thought shut up was a bad word,
And you couldn't wait until the future.

The times when you were on the top of the world,
And when you had to fight to be the line leader.

Where you took naps,
And drew pictures.

Where ambitions were set to the best I could possibly achieve,
And be President of the Untied States.

I want to go back to when I was five,
Maybe that way I can change a few things,
And be happier than I am today.

The author's comments:
Sadness can get even the best of us.

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