Cruel Love | Teen Ink

Cruel Love

September 18, 2013
By horangirl BRONZE, Pace, Florida
horangirl BRONZE, Pace, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don't know why
I feel the way I do.
The reason for my tears
Remains a mystery,
Even to me.

Or Emptiness .

Love travels the world
Searching for a host.
But mine remains absent
And I sit here dreaming.

Wishing for a chance.
Hoping for someone
To show me everything,
Everything I live without.

Love's darkness casts its shadow
Over my craving, ravenous heart.
And I lie in its wake
Waiting to be free,
Watching the world outside
And its people be loved
Give love,
Feel love,

Fantasizing of my time
When luck falls into my grasp.
And I too,
Share the cruel, magical phenomenon
That we call love.

The author's comments:
Things get rough, and sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. At such a young age, I'm often confused and unsure about what lies ahead for me. Since I can't tell anyone around me how I feel, I express those feelings with poetry. I'm sure there's someone out there who can relate to the emotions throughout this poem, and I hope it makes you feel slightly less alone. I know how important that is to us teens.

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