Prey. | Teen Ink


September 2, 2013
By tangsoocam SILVER, Haverhill, Massachusetts
tangsoocam SILVER, Haverhill, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela

Uncover the veil.
Look past the light and see the wretched darkness.
Beware of the kindness that instills the demons that live for the thrill.
Watch as they make their move. Polite and subtle.
It targets the pure and hopeful. The invisible horror.
Give them eyes of justice for they cannot see the evil.
Be quick and clean. Take away its power. Lay waste to the beast within.
Protect the innocent from the sweetheart menace.
For only those of broken hearts and no hope see through the façade.
The pain from the past is our protection from the future.
Let us save the world from our own evil.
Begin anew.

The author's comments:
No zebras

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