Sword | Teen Ink


August 29, 2013
By Bubbles36 BRONZE, Mclean, Virginia
Bubbles36 BRONZE, Mclean, Virginia
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.&quot;<br /> -Mark Twain

You made me into this.
You lashed me with your whipping words
And cut me with your glances.

You went to far to stop.
You cut too far and lashed too often
And found the steel in my spine.

I have steel in my spine.
And from steel they make swords. My sword
Was forged in your hatred.

Forged in your hate,
tempered by your spitefulness, and by
your cruelty sharpened.

You made me into this.
The perfect weapon to use against you.
The twisted, scarred sword.

I never wanted this,
To become a destructive force of hate.
I felt no other choice.

You made me into this.
I just want to be free.

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