Veritas | Teen Ink


August 18, 2013
By Sagar Tikoo BRONZE, West Windsor, New Jersey
Sagar Tikoo BRONZE, West Windsor, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cold concrete a comfort
Shelter from the night, colder
Hunger tortures not the numb
Dignity wagered; scraps and crumbs

Abandoned on a park bench
The scent of coffee, loud, yet subtle
Calloused hands find warmth
Calloused hearts do not

Faces of granite, silent, stale
Charity, chivalry, long-forgotten patrons
A world, festering, dares not look
A world, fading, dares not care

Seven sirens sing in the night
Of crimson, rust: silent decay
Of cobalt, corrupt: silken façade
Of chalk, despair: forsaken trust

Tires move, feet move
All move but the immobile
All is known, nothing is felt
The truth: behold, when nothing is left

The author's comments:
An examination of the American Dream, and the theme of disillusionment.

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