Just Holding Onto A Little Faith | Teen Ink

Just Holding Onto A Little Faith

July 28, 2013
By Car17 SILVER, Ingleside, Texas
Car17 SILVER, Ingleside, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrusted upon them."

I keep hoping and wishing that you were mine. But nothing works. If we are mean't to be, then everything will just go with the flow. If we are mean't to be, then we will end up together somehow. Maybe sometime in the near future god will put us together. Maybe sometime in my life you will be with me. Just maybe sometime. Expect the unexpected, they always say. Life is short and scary and I'm too afraid to take a risk, so that's why I'm just holding onto a little faith.

The author's comments:
Love... Love can do many things to you...

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