A Secret You Couldn't Keep! | Teen Ink

A Secret You Couldn't Keep!

July 21, 2013
By Car17 SILVER, Ingleside, Texas
Car17 SILVER, Ingleside, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrusted upon them."

It's been one year since I have told you. I never thought you would do that to me. I thought you were my best friend? You even told me one of your secrets at the same time as I told you my secret. You even promised me you would never tell anyone. But one year later, you just had to do it. You just had to break that promise. Why did you it? I didn't even do anything to you. You told many people behind my back. You always say there is a lot of two faced people in our grade, but what about you? Did you forget that you told people behind my back about my secret that could possibly ruin my life? Did you think before you speak? I don't think so, because otherwise you would've not said anything. Even though you couldn't keep your promise, I'm not the type of person to break mine. I will not go as low as you did, because there is a big difference between me and you, and that is, I could keep a secret. But you know what? It was just a secret you couldn't keep!

The author's comments:
I guess have experienced a best friend going behind your back and telling your deepest darkest secret to people without knowing that you knew. And I guess other can connect as well as I did.

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