6/7/12 | Teen Ink


June 6, 2013
By coco7misty SILVER, Acton, Massachusetts
coco7misty SILVER, Acton, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't take the sky from me." - Joss Whedom, "Ballad of Serenity"

A strange thing love is
It's not easily defined
It's not just a kiss
It's not just one time
It's a chain of events
From the very first sight 
To those sweet sentiments
Whispered deep in the night 
Some say it's affection
Some don't say anything 
Some say it's affliction
While they wallow in their pain
Some love is both ways
Most is but one
All love is crazy
But only some is fun
And not all of it lasts
Some quickly disappears 
Other - away it's cast 
For months, or even years
But love is universal 
Its undeniable, too
Love affects us all
Those three words and the 'I do's
It forges a connection 
Among our closest friends 
It can start with an attraction
Or with attraction end
One true thing about love
Is that it's for everyone 
A strange thing love is
Its not easily defined
But with a simple kiss
Two souls become combined

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