Thanks for the Experience | Teen Ink

Thanks for the Experience

June 13, 2013
By BrittShae13 GOLD, Silverhill, Alabama
BrittShae13 GOLD, Silverhill, Alabama
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life"
"If i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i would use my last breath to say 'i love you'"

Lies, betrayal, abandonment
You told me everything I wanted to hear
And I believed you
I trusted you, you betrayed me
I believed in you, you let me down
I cared about you, you threw me away
I cried for you, you laughed in my face
How can one be so cruel?
How can you sit there and do nothing?
When I needed you, you walked away
When I called for you, you denied my presence
I look back and ask myself..
How did you find me?
Because when I looked for you, you disappeared
I went through all this pain
All because of you!
Well you want to know something?
You beat me, I became stronger
You walked away, I became independent
You let me down, I picked myself up
You threw me away, I found someone better
You laughed in my face, I found someone with open arms
You thought you broke me?
In reality you made me a better person
I am more cautious, more carful
You thought you defeated me?
He was there for me
So you're rotting in fire
While I'm enjoying the kingdom
So thank you
Thanks for the experience

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was going through a really difficult time in my spiritual life. I felt like the devil was constantly attacking me. This poem tells of how I overcame his temptation. With God you can withstand anything!

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