Birds | Teen Ink


June 11, 2013
By ClaireP SILVER, San Rafael, California
ClaireP SILVER, San Rafael, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People can be divided into three classes, the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no idea what has happened."

The sky’s companion.
Flocks fly effortlessly on faded skies.
Uniting with weightless air,
soft wings and structures stall gravity.
Steady, rhythmic beating of wings and heart,
Nature’s phenomenon

The author's comments:
I have a pet bird, I live in an area surrounded by birds. I enjoy both their physical presence and melodies along with their symbolic and metaphorical meaning.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 12 2013 at 8:51 am
WrenArrington, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
0 articles 0 photos 74 comments
I have birds too (three parakeets) so I totally know how you feel :) I like how this poem was short but still meaningful. If I could make a suggestion for improvement: either take off the punctuation at the ends of the lines or use fewer periods. The first two lines seem choppy because of the periods. Other than that, nice job.