Cold Touches | Teen Ink

Cold Touches

June 5, 2013
By iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When your curious, you find a lot of interesting things in life- Walt Disney

My hair stands on edge
Alerting you to my presence
My body tenses, waiting for your cold touch
Hiding in my head, trying to block the pain
I feel your cold embrace
My palms begin to sweat
I try to push you away
But everything I do makes you stay
I feel your shallow breath in my ear
I try to scream, I try to fight
But you still stay
I can see you always standing near
Never leaving always there
You never speak but I know what you want
You want my soul, my very essence
Your body is long gone
And now you need another

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