Mrs. Senator | Teen Ink

Mrs. Senator

May 31, 2013
By Social_Amnesia SILVER, Joliet, Montana
Social_Amnesia SILVER, Joliet, Montana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two parties equal in ignorance
Casting their lots on opposite sides of a sidewalk crack.
One holding the opinion that women are useless,
The other holding the opposite true.
And while the latter is correct,
I find the sensitivity of their teeth to be astonishing.
They cannot stand the slightest drip of cold,
Even when consuming ice cream,
And their complaints go toward sating
Their own voracious nature
So I cannot help but feel that,
Though noble indeed is their cause,
There are more important issues at hand
Than the debate over the usage of
“Senator” versus “Mrs.”
In the headline of a periodical
Sold on streets riddled with the starved.

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