I'm Looking For Something, But I Don't Know What it is | Teen Ink

I'm Looking For Something, But I Don't Know What it is

May 25, 2013
By GinsbergA BRONZE, Aliso Viejo, California
GinsbergA BRONZE, Aliso Viejo, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm looking for something,
But I don't know what it is.
I search all night in the depths, out of sight,
As these thoughts pierce my skin.
I venture for answers to an unknown question.
I continue to search, but I don't know where to go.
I am looking for answers within.

Day grows to dusk and night prowls upon me.
I hear the bell toll,
And I listen for an answering echo and for my mind to take control.
But the harder I try,
The weaker I become.
And before an answer does arise,
Black turns to orange and over the hills I see the sun.

I hear the people calling,
They rankle in my head,
I push them aside,
But they do not abide,
And they continue their endless barraging.
They fester like a wound,
The voices lead me a strewn,
And the unknown question remains
As a forever floating balloon.
A floating balloon that has flown away,
A floating balloon leading me astray,
And as it travels away from my reach,
My questions remain untaught and unpreached.

I finally capture my intangible balloon,
I open it as myself, the fool,
But as I do
I find no question. In lieu,
I find a vacant space.
My question is answered,
My journey is done,
My time has come,
My life has an answer,
It is complete.

I was looking for something
And didn't know what I'd find,
But answers come, when you least expect,
And our existence is understood in time.
It is that vacant space,
That we fill new life in its place.
That is my answer within.

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