Silence | Teen Ink


May 27, 2013
By GraceBeck BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
GraceBeck BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world is ready and so am I.

Screams are rising and people will die.

No one will speak; not one, not two.

For, silence is coming and fear is too.

I don’t care what they say; I will do what is right.

It is time for me to stand up and fight.

The sky is now dark, the sun has gone down.

The people are silent and that’s when I’m loud.

The author's comments:
I was sitting in bed listening to a thunderstorm one night and suddenly the rain just stopped and everything went silent. Then, Boom! Thunder cracked so loud, my house started to shake a little. Later in the morning I was thinking to myself, "
Wow that thunder was so loud" and then I thought maybe the thunder wasn't really that loud, maybe it was just that everything went silent before. So I wrote "It's the noise that fills the silence that's always the loudest." on a sticky note and slapped it on my mirror and I later wrote this poem based on that quote.

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