The Gracious Wanderer | Teen Ink

The Gracious Wanderer

May 20, 2013
By smajcher3234 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
smajcher3234 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting behind a dumpster observing the world,
But this is his favorite dumpster.
The one around the block faces the rising sun.

Waking up to the clouds and commotion that dawn carries.
All day he notices that people are like busy bees,
Running from one place to the next
Forgetting to acknowledge the world around them.

As he looks for change that people dropped buying their train ticket,
He's excited that today he has over a dollar to spend.
Wonders what people possibly spend so much money on every day.

The library is his favorite place.
The immense amount of free knowledge is mind-boggling.
From one end of the spectrum to the other,
Reading is his escape.

At closing time he wanders back to his dumpster,
At the chance it's already occupied.
He walks around and observes the night;
A concept so distant to most of the world.

He smiles.

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