Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

May 10, 2013
By PaytonFrances GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PaytonFrances GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from my trampoline in my fenced in yard,
from the dirt beneath the deck.
I’m from the big pine trees beyond the white picket fence
from their big branches shading the train tracks.

I’m from the hand painted walls of my mom’s bathroom
from the tortoises crawling around.
I’m from the dogs running through the foyer
from the cats laying in the sun.

I’m from my childhood favorites
from Barbies playing house and Rescue Heros being their saviors.
I’m from my TV show obsessions
from Barney singing that he loves me.

I’m from a broadway stage
from Wicked to The Lion King
from sitting in the second row
from singing a solo.

I am from those moments
A bird about to fly
I’m about to soar.

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