It's All Up to US | Teen Ink

It's All Up to US

May 12, 2013
By oudeis SILVER, Albuquerque, New Mexico
oudeis SILVER, Albuquerque, New Mexico
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.
- Albert Einstein

What is this America?
Have we lost our integrity?
Do we retreat into materialism?
Do we no longer expand our minds
Beyond ourselves?
Have we lost our dream?
No, America!
I refuse to believe this!
I have seen our perseverance;
I have seen our brilliance;
I have seen us band together as a nation;
I have seen us dream
And I have seen our dreams come true.
And we are still here,
Waiting for something better.
Wait no more, America!
Release your mind from your bonds!
Go beyond the limits!
There are no limits
To American ingenuity!
Be proud to be America!
Get over your differences
And embrace the commonalities
Because we are ALL America
And America is our country!

Hey! You American sitting there!
Life’s not as hard as you think,
In fact, your life is good!
America is a land
Of freedom and opportunity.
That’s what we’ve fought so hard for!
Now, it’s time
To give something back to your nation,
And it’s as simple as reaching for your dreams.
Use your freedom and opportunity!
Use the gift America has given,
And give back
By using your ingenuity,
Your productivity and capacity,
And start making a change.
The change starts with you, American!
Come on, man!
Dare to achieve! Dare to expand!
Dare to dream!
Let’s get over our differences
And start working together
Because we are ALL America
And America is our country!

The author's comments:
This represents the dream for utilization of American ingenuity and productivity in order to progress America forward. It also discusses how Americans have to stop sitting back and watching as America regresses in its status. We, as individual Americans, need to get up, stop complaining, and start doing something about our problems. The only way America can progress is if we reach for our goals, thereby becoming better, more productive citizens. America has given us the opportunity to achieve our dreams, so the best we can do for our country is use this opportunity and achieve our dreams. It's no good to dream if one is not willing to reach for that dream. We must support each other in accomplishing our dreams in order to become a successful nation, and when we do accomplish our dreams and purpose, it takes us one step further into American progress.

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