the point of return | Teen Ink

the point of return

May 6, 2013
By pattysaurus BRONZE, Fremont, California
pattysaurus BRONZE, Fremont, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I approach people where they are, not where I think they should be."

to have faith is to try again
maybe two roads diverged in the stupid yellow wood
and you chose the one with thorns and thickets
getting under your skin, literally piercing you with
“I’m disappointed in you.”
“You’re not good enough.”
etcetera, etcetera, these are the roots of your doubt

pick again at the next intersection

i hope you find a highway,
and i hope you find a car
you’ve come too far to give up now
yeah, you’ve made it here
i promise, you’ll see success in your rearview
objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

The author's comments:
For those who want to give up, there is always a second chance. You can still come back.

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