His Hand | Teen Ink

His Hand

May 5, 2013
By misiu21 SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
misiu21 SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His hand is soft and gentle
Yet sturdy and strong
He’s your protector
He’s been there all along
He makes you laugh
When you’re not feeling good
And hugs you tight
When you’re in a bad mood
He’ll do anything to make you happy
Because you’re his girl
He’ll hold back your hair
If you get sick and hurl
He’ll pull the hair away from your eyes
So he can see your pretty face
When your shoe gets untied
He’ll bend down and tie your shoelace
He’ll kiss you goodnight
And watch you as you sleep
He’ll watch your favorite movies
And won’t say a peep
He’ll hold you tight
If you cry
And whisper in your ear
Until you smile wide
When you two are separated
He’ll text you the whole time
When you’re not wearing make-up
He’ll say you look fine
When he holds your hand
He plays with your fingers
When you have to say bye
He kinda lingers
He’ll be there for you always
He reminds you everyday
He’s perfect for you no matter what anyone else says
You love him
Forever and always

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