Iwo Jima's Crown | Teen Ink

Iwo Jima's Crown

April 24, 2013
By Gage Brinin BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Gage Brinin BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From her shining stars through that perilous blue dye
to her red and white pillars that brought peace to the fight.
When safe and sound we see her wave and don’t think twice,
but on that day she meant something more then just a country’s flag.
A million dead souls silhouetting her frame proudly,
looking down on their brothers triumph brought peace to their hearts
their death did not go in vain,
because when she flew over the million closed, or stony eyes,
it let every proud man know, they had achieved greatness.

In an unknown land, against an unknown people,
they performed atrocities that’ll haunt them in life and death,
so their sons may not have to do the same.

Fingers numb and conscious still
uniform dirty and ammunition drained.
Throat twisted into an infernal sorrow
but at least their heart was still beating
they could not say the same for the other inanimate privates.
Jerry, school teacher, 23,
four kids and a school-sweetheart wife
now face down with other mangled corpses,
with a throat full mud
and a conscious reduced to dust

As she waved to the men, they waved back,
tears and blood invested,
brothers lost, and brothers gained,
together in one last effort they raised her high
So her crown may not fall.

The author's comments:
Poem about the flag rising of Iwo Jima as an inspiration.

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