Wet Dirty Blonde Hair | Teen Ink

Wet Dirty Blonde Hair

April 13, 2013
By KittttyyyKat12345 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
KittttyyyKat12345 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Expect worst, hope for the best

Icicles threatening to fall on dirty blonde

hair of a girl from

the morning of a house

They seem to whine in the whisper of the

wind, “It has been such a cold, bitter, colorless,

winter, we would be honored if suddenly....”

Crash! They are now down on the

melting ground, free as they will ever be

Vaporizing into nothing, air from the

warmth of temperatures rising and my next door

neighbors playing basketball down the street

The childrens laugh’s hypnotize, now in trace,

“I’m going to make it!”

Swoosh! Through and through goes the ball, with

cheers all around, free as they will ever be

Raining into gallons of drops, deciding its time

to dance into a new world

Galloping into earthy grass that gains color,

after a grey, undisturbed winter

Her joyous screams surprise her very,

ears of a new sound that has not been heard,

as she thinks of a world that couldn’t be stopped

moisture of new skin

Boom! To wishes of a

dirty blond haired girl, free as she
will ever be

The author's comments:
Spring time

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