Shield | Teen Ink


April 4, 2013
By C6nturyP9arl BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
C6nturyP9arl BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." -Moulin Rouge

Through the forest I run free
Through the rising trees
Sweat dripping upon thy brow
Like a flying arrow I run with speed

Many creatures I pass on my way
Running here and there in such play
With courage in my heart
And love within my soul
I gladly run with pure glow

They run after me
Their thundering feet pounding the Earth
Such drums fill my ears with fear
Yet I run on like a flying spear

God of speed, god above
Help me your beloved one
Run along this deep green forest
And be safely hidden from these strangers before me

I beg with all my might
That you may spare me in this fight
I have offered nothing but prayer
And again my father help me not fall to these slayers

In my moments of need you have guided me
Yet again I asked once more that you may be near me and be my shield
Please dear father I beg of you to spare me now and let me be
With these I now surrender finally in this wide open field

As I wait for my attackers
My heart is racing like a bullet already shot
Then came one of them out of the trees in his eyes filled with the light of a tracker
Then if by miracle all was let lose…and there you stood to my rescue

Your open arms was spread wide
I heard something thunder…and I knew I was with you
You carried me home
Safe and sound
And not a single fear was there in me found
I knew I was safe no matter what they did to me
You were here and you will always be my fighting shield

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