I start the Cycle | Teen Ink

I start the Cycle

March 13, 2013
By theBride BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
theBride BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"That's part of what's so great about learning other people's lyrics: It's like learning another language. To me, that's what being a music fan is all about." ~ Ezra Koenig

forcing consumption
forced purge
forcing a smile
forcing a straight face
forcing normality
when I know
it is so out of place
out of control
out of control
try to stop the spinning
don't let me bleed out
world is shaken
ground is shaken
sky is shaken
I am shaken
when did I lose myself
In the sea
of sickness
of indiscipline
of disgust
and shame
all that is felt is
over again
shame guilt
how do I stop this feeling?
to end the pain

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