Dear Poem | Teen Ink

Dear Poem

March 11, 2013
By chcherrypit BRONZE, Hamburg, New York
chcherrypit BRONZE, Hamburg, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I miss you.
It seems
only days ago you flew from my fingertips
eager to comb through thoughts
and emotions
stuck like molasses on
the tip of my tongue.
Searching for inspiration
you held my first white-feathered breath
red-tipped and
when I realized the only face staring down on me
was the face of a
connect-the-dot constellation
You quietly slip through pen marks and ink stains,
holding love, pain,
in your silver palm.
In a moment of hush
you hold your palm to the light
for me to see.
In your absence, I forget that the things
I feel
Don’t leave me again
Alone in the doldrums of apathy,
where boredom eats away at my ears and eyes,
warping everything I see and hear
My eyelids are heavy
without your exposing character,
my hands shaky without
your steady
Don't leave me again for all the
starry-eyed faces in the sky.
They're only light-years of illusion,
a forgotten clockwork
of chemicals and alloys.

I miss you.

The author's comments:
Inspired by Cyril Wang

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