Orion | Teen Ink


January 17, 2013
By killbree BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
killbree BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In life, many times, the right answer is that there isn't one.

When I die and go in to my next life, I only hope to be a star. Simple in retrospect but so very complex in its entirety. Measured by man they are so very far but when seen from other galaxies they are so close to you and me. A spherical force of gas, some say fire...it raises the bar of aesthetics and is the manifestation that before we die we need to be all we can be. Their color and brightness depends completely on who they are. What they were born with. It could be written for us to be a super red giant if we're lucky. Our very core will collapse and we'll become a supernova that shines brighter than existence can measure. Brighter than all the galaxies, only for a moment. But if that core was strong all along, it becomes a black hole. And nothing, not even light can escape the hold of that black hole. So if we control our destiny, what do you desire to be?

The author's comments:
I just hope that people realize no matter how small and irrelevant we may feel sometime, we all matter.

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