Excuses | Teen Ink


January 14, 2013
By Rfang BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Rfang BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I left my homework at home.
I forgot my homework on the bus.
I didn’t know how to do my homework.

My dog ate my homework.
I spilled Spaghettio’s on my homework.
I dropped my homework in the bathtub.

I took my homework to do at the zoo,
But the penguins stole it.
I brought my homework to a magic show,
But the magician made it disappear.
I brought my homework to do on the plane,
But the flight attendant said “No sharp pencils, please.”

I was doing my homework when a fire started in my house,
So I had to grab everything I needed and ran,
but the thing is I forgot my homework inside.
I was taking my homework out of my backpack when a bird
Came in my house, snatched my paper,
And flew around the room, then out of the window.
I brought my homework outside to do on the porch when a worm
Crawled threw my paper ripping the work that I had done. I would
Have brought it in, but my brother took it for an experiment.

I was doing my homework when all of a sudden a leprechaun came up to me and said if I give him a piece of paper now, he would lead me to a pot of gold with his rainbow finding goggles. I obviously gave it to him but he ran out of the door before he let my find the gold. I was tricked and I think I should get extra credit for the way I handled the situation, and for being conned out of doing my homework.

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