Slang | Teen Ink


January 11, 2013
By smajcher3234 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
smajcher3234 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Slang is everywhere.
It's unavoidable,
Regardless of how proper
You may be.

The lingo changes from place to place,
but some is known throughout.
Like a slithering snake,
making it's way across the country.

Something that's very like-able.
A new meaning put on the word
Indicating low temperatures.

Someone who does something awesome.
This can become very confusing,
especially in a work place.

Out of control.
Say this to a person twenty years older,
Take a look at their expressions.

You really never know,
what someone could be implying.
What if their slang is different than yours?
That's the part that many people don't see.

Sticky situations,
Awkward encounters,
Funny discussions.
All brought upon us through the great world of slang.

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