Pandora's Box | Teen Ink

Pandora's Box

December 18, 2012
By AndreaG SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
AndreaG SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason..."

I see the curious twinkle in her eye,
As she ponders the secrets I hide.
When she is all alone,
How can she bear the desire I inspire?
I remain covered, concealed, and covert.
To my owner, I am worse than a curse.
One day, she buried me in the lonely
Earth, to loosen herself from curiosity’s grip.
That very night, moonlight stared into her precious face,
And left her sleepless in despair,
Like a bloodthirsty vampire in his lair.
Clawing her way into my grave,
She took me up and with her key,
Opened me with a single swoosh.
My soul’s dark demons unleashed,
Are disease-ridden rats with wings,
That bring chaos and pain to mankind.
To this day,
I still contain
The greatest evil of them all,

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