Life Goes On | Teen Ink

Life Goes On

December 12, 2012
By Carey_Behm7 BRONZE, Brockwell, Arkansas
Carey_Behm7 BRONZE, Brockwell, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For some life is a pit of despair,
But if you have hope it’ll make you aware,
That with the bad there is good as well.
This is not your personal hell.
We’re all in this together,
But your life won’t go on forever.
Make what you have last,
Don’t let it end so fast.

I can’t express enough,
This stuff,
That you need to know now,
As I’m teaching you how,
To just quit stressin’,
And not live in depression.

Life goes on,
But it’s not gone.
It’s here too,
Waiting on you,
To wake from your dreams,
And see through the seams,
Of this torn veil,
Making your life stale.

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