One Day | Teen Ink

One Day

November 24, 2012
By KayElle SILVER, Southfield, Michigan
KayElle SILVER, Southfield, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness is not the absence of sorrow, for although we may not be sad, we are not automatically happy. Happiness is the absence of fear because when we live in fear we don’t live at all—we are simply anticipating our next moment of sorrow."

My emptiness will one day be filled…
One day soon I hope.
Filled with happy memories of you,
They’re the only thing that helps me cope.
They way you would tuck me in at night.
The way you kept me safe….
I will forever miss you, but in my heart you hold a special place.
Please never leave my side,
There’s not one day that goes by, I don’t need you
Not one day I don’t think about you.
Not one day I could forget about you.
Not one day I would want to….
Not one day I don’t miss you.
Not one day I don’t look up at the sky,
Wishing you were still sitting next to me,
I never got the chance to say goodbye
Remembering the days, we were wild and free.
I pray that maybe just one day,
I could be as good as you,
So that like you, when I go away
I may dwell in heaven too.

The author's comments:
I wrote this with the idea that even after people who are important in our life pass, we still need them because we still look up to them.

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