What is true Purity? | Teen Ink

What is true Purity?

November 3, 2012
By mtwar BRONZE, Yorba Linda, California
mtwar BRONZE, Yorba Linda, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers ... the ones who see things differently..., because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."

What is true Purity?
Besides being a noun.
Purity is said to be a sense of freedom from being innocent.
Free from any contamination, guilt, corruption, pain, envy, or loss.
But who on God’s earth, I would like to know, is free of any of those?
Before our souls leave this world,
We will all have experienced these emotions.
We’re simply human.
We mess up every single day.
Sometimes, without even realizing it.
Pure can mean cleanliness.
Like a cleansing ritual or baptism,
Repenting after every miniscule error or misjudgment,
Remaining chaste to fulfill a divine purpose…(but where’s the fun in that?)
But what makes Purity so rare?
Is it because so many give up so much more than their hearts before they are ready?
Or because we say vulgar things in front of our elders,
Sneak a bite of dinner before praying?
Or what if they were wrong?
The ambiguous ‘they’ who set the supposed standard of morality for our modern society.
What if they were wrong?
What if there were different kinds of purity?
Like the pureness of spirit, a rarity.
Of knowing that you aren’t exactly as experienced as you would like to be,
But being okay with it anyways.
Because everything happens for a reason-
Even if we may not agree with that reason.
Of not knowing all of the answers to the ponderous questions that life holds,
But going along for the ride any ways.
Not caring if people are watching,
Because fools are the happiest at the end of the day.
Going out in the wee hours of the morning just for the novelty of saying you did.
Or spending all day in bed watching movies with that furry friend just because the clouds are tearing up.
Being a nonconformist, bohemian, flower child just because you can.
Or, even crazier, just being yourself.
Ah, yes. The free spirits. The mavericks.
Those are a rarity.
Free of heart, free of mind, free of soul.
That of the spirit, is true Purity.
Run wild!
Be free!

The author's comments:
There is always a new, undiscovered way of seeing things that may have once been only single-sided view.

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