Should've Kissed You | Teen Ink

Should've Kissed You

October 22, 2012
By OneBarProductions PLATINUM, Union, Missouri
OneBarProductions PLATINUM, Union, Missouri
33 articles 1 photo 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You think it is the living that will have the ultimate judgement over you, but it's the dead that will have no claim over your soul"

The timing was perfect, the moment was real. The nighting was cold, you're figure's surreal. But I have a feeling when time flies too high, gravity will lose grip, I'll be waving you goodbye. The innocence of it all, I never saw coming. You were new to my world, my heart is humming. But I have a feeling I'll have no clue as what to do. I shouldve gone by storm. I should've kissed you. I've made up my mind, love is on my to do list. I've done the rest, no need to real me in. Wait up for me, I got the point, I get the jist. I dont know what to do, but I swear I should've kissed you I swear I should've kissed you Letting go was a drag, should've kept you near. I fought my wars, wiped away every solid tear. But I have a feeling Im due for renewal, ive been checked out, you've used me like a special tool. I've made up my mind, love is on my to do list. I've done the rest, no need to real me in. Wait up for me, I got the point, I get the jist. I dont know what to do, but I swear I should've kissed you

The author's comments:
A story of one that got matter what has happened, I will have always cared for you ...</3

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This article has 1 comment.

Zoya_Khan GOLD said...
on Jan. 10 2013 at 9:12 am
Zoya_Khan GOLD, Gujranwala, Other
19 articles 0 photos 420 comments

Favorite Quote:
Where LOGIC ends, FAITH begins.
- Zoya Khan

Good Job!!!