The Salt On My Lips | Teen Ink

The Salt On My Lips

October 8, 2012
By s0ulwriter GOLD, Glens Falls, New York
s0ulwriter GOLD, Glens Falls, New York
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt, This is My Story

I could taste the salt on my lips
The salt from hundreds of tears
The tears that stream
I can feel the hurt from my heart to my fingertips
Nothing is clear
Nothing is what it used to be
How can life go on
How can I feel so much hurt
What did I do wrong
Am I no better than the dirt
The dirt under my feet
The dirt I kick when I'm angry
Can I accept this defeat
No way I can't succumb to being nobody
I am a girl
Sixteen of age
Who has not yet discovered the world
I'm like a bird locked in a cage
Forget about what happened
Focus on what's going to happen
The world is full of love
This love overrides the hate
I just have to rise above
And not wait
I'm not going to let it come to me
I'm going to open this cage
And fly free
Fore this cage has kept me inside
But it's time for me to say goodbye
I will forget about the pain
Wipe the tears away
Life's uncertain
But I plan to live it
And concur it as it comes my way

The author's comments:
I wrote this to help myself get over a boy who broke my heart

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