Have you Ever pushed | Teen Ink

Have you Ever pushed

June 18, 2012
By Jazzi_wazzi GOLD, Taree, California
Jazzi_wazzi GOLD, Taree, California
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
always laugh when you can its the best medicine<br /> dont judge a book by its cover

Have you ever pushed,
pushed away someone so great
you had nothing left to fight
no time, no energy and certainly no love.
Have you ever struggled to get a thought
out of your head? And just in time for you
to stuff that perfect chance up. The chance for perfect love,
the chance to have a perfect life, and mostly the chance to have a perfect past.
Have you ever slept still in time, going over every thought, replaying what you should have said? I do!
As you lay your head down, as you feel the tears start to roll down your face and land on your pillow, do you ever stop and think you wish you could have saved the world. I do. And if you ever do think of that perfect life. Please let me know how you think so. So I, myself can think like that, think of you and perfectness

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this article through real life experiences that are going on through my life

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