You Never Loved Me | Teen Ink

You Never Loved Me

March 26, 2012
By Anonymous

Today should be the best day of your life, but you can't help to think about tomorrow.
Today your mind is overcrowded with the feeling of pain and sorrow.
Just like your home and in your hearts, there was no room for me,
You gave me up before you knew who I would someday be.
I could have been something special,
But I never got to make a difference that would be beneficial.
I'll never go to kindergarten and experience the gift of knowledge.
I'll never get the chance to take my first steps, nor will I go to college.
I could have been a doctor, and one day someone's wife,
But instead you went and chose to take away my gift of life.
Would I have had dark, straight ebony hair?
Would I have been a hero, an answer to somebody's prayers?
I could have done it all, although nobody will ever see,
But one thing is obvious: you never loved me.

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