An Ocean Of Hearts | Teen Ink

An Ocean Of Hearts

December 15, 2011
By MountEverest GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
MountEverest GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
17 articles 2 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why rather, sleep, liest thou in smoky cribs
Than in the perfumed chambers of the great,
Under the canopies of costly state,
And lulled with sound of sweetest melody?" By William Shakespeare

Down, down way down deep
In the ever sinking seep
Will the heart of many wounded sleep?
Or shall mine perish amongst them too?
Portray many a person’s feelings,
Or have them wash away like dirt on a white surface?
Haven’t we learned from our faults?
Black, white, brown
We all stand proud,
But the hearts of many wounded men,
Lay down in an ever sinking bed,
Ever resurface again?
Down, down way down deep
Will my heart be wounded too?
Just like the men who’s hearts are in two
Or will mine perish to a tragic end?
Deep in the taverns of an underwater bed,
In the depths of a cave shallow and grave
Or perhaps in the sea blue, dark, and deep,
With ever lasting sleep,
My heart shall weep,
Down, down way down deep
My heart shall forevermore sleep.

The author's comments:
Writng poems or anytype of story for me is a way of expressing what i feel or what other people feel. I love to write and read.

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