A Path of Safety | Teen Ink

A Path of Safety

May 10, 2011
By StephanieI SILVER, New York, New York
StephanieI SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
What does not destroy me only makes me stronger

The moon came to light our way
the trees whisper which path to take
owl's whoo at any sign of danger
My guardian angel watches every step I take
I don't know where its taking me
but I know it'll be safe
where no harm can reach me,
where the devil has no power
where the light of my king illuminates every corner,
where my happiest thoughts are kept alive and the memories that keep me going will never fade away

The author's comments:
Just want people to know that even when the road is blocked, there will always be someone you can trust to help get you to safety

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